Sunday, January 08, 2006

God's Minute

January 8

I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength.--Psalm 18:1

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, creator and preserver of all things, we humbly bow down before Thee in worship and supplication. We come without a single plea of merit, except that we have been redeemed through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Thine only begotton Son, Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the blessings that Thou hast bestowed on us so generously in the past, and we ask wisdom and guidance from Thee in order that each one of us may become a blessing to all with whom we come in contact. We pray for the forgiveness of our sins. We ask Thee to walk with us today; be Thou our friend, our counselor, our guide, our brother, the sure staff on which we may lean. May love for Thee and for our fellowmen always fill our hearts, and shine out of our lives so that all men may see that we have been walking with God.

Thou has never promised to supply all our wants--many of them are not for our good, but Thou hast promised to fill all needs, and we ask Thee for the gift of contentedness, of being satisfied with what Thou doth send. These, and all other things which will satisfy our souls and increase our capacity for service in the kingdom, we ask for Jesus' sake.


William Anthony Granville, LL.D.,
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


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