Precious Moments

In the comments, my friend John, otherwise famously known as Discoshaman, says he fears his family's decorations, which have been in storage for 5 years while they were on the mission field in the Ukraine, may have succombed to some mildewy damage. My mind immediately went to the fearful possibility that some of their boys' precious Christmas artwork might have been damaged. There are some decorations that if I were to lose, it would break my heart.
So, as fast as an idea, I grabbed my trusty camera and snapped a couple of pictures of my favorites.
The top picture is of a paper plate Santa that Jake made in, oh, I'd say 2nd grade. If you look at the stocking on the left, that "reindeer"'s head is made from an imprint of Sam's little foot on his first Christmas and the yellow antlers are his little hand prints.
The bottom one is my favorite of all--again, made by Jake. He's a paper bag angel. His name is "Harry Angel" and he has decked the halls at our home every year since Jake brought him home with him from school.
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