Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Complimentary Contemplations

Today two of my favorite bloggers are contemplating the same thing: the cross of Christ.

Laura from Words Behind Me's post is titled "Assurance of Salvation"

I felt a little of this on Sunday as I contemplated the God of the universe made flesh and bleeding on the cross, the Creator of the ends of the earth pierced for my transgressions, mocked and scorned by rebellious creatures whom He had every right to crush beneath His heel. Lord, I thought, how can I approach you, I who am but dust and ashes? How can the mortal dare to worship the Immortal? And the answer that came to me was that I can come because He bled for me, and that our whole race was ennobled by His incarnation. We are dust and ashes–but He deigned to wed Himself to flesh, to become one of us, and for me to despise myself for my humanity is to scorn the Incarnate God.

Kim from the Upward call has a post titled "Crucified, too."

The reality is that I have been crucified with Christ. I did “die” to my old nature when I accepted Christ. Now, I must live in light of that; my life needs to reflect that. The Holy Spirit is here to help me, but there is no guarantee that I will listen to that voice. I’d like to say that I do all the time, but the reality is that I often don’t. And that doesn’t mean that I need to be crucified again. It simply means that I need to live in light of something that already happened.

Different takes, different meditations--both food for thought. I'll be chewing on these all day.


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