Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God's Minute

October 19

The God of love and peace shall be with you. --2 Corinthians 13:11

OUR Father in Heaven, Thou Who carest for all the families of the earth, grant to this family a consciousness of Thy presence and love. May we be ever careful lest by word or deed we bring dishonor to Thy matchless name. Follow us as we go to the tasks of today. May we be strong in Thy strength; courageous because of Thy promises; and humble, in view of our constant dependence upon Thee.

May the Angel of the Lord encamp round about the absent ones; guard them from evil, and inspire them for service. Give us all hearts of pity for those who are in need, sympathy for the weak, and willingness to lift up the fallen. Forbid that we should be content with our own plenty, or proud in our own accomplishments, but as children may we ever be anxious for the glory of our Father's name, and thankful for His care. Forgive us for that wherein we have failed; forgive us for willfulness and downright sin.

When the great homecoming takes place, and we are in the Father's house, may every member of this family be among "the multitude that no man can number," serving Thee as we cannot here. This we ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Saviour.


Reverand J. R. Webb,
Peterborough, Ont., Canada


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